Major Part
The structure of 다 파벳 카지노 is designed to cope with unlimited possibilities concerning R&D project for marine technology with a focus on efficient management
Strengthening of expertise, transparency, and fairness on 다 파벳 카지노amp;D project evaluation
Managment Strategy division
Development of performance management system and promotion of management efficiency improvement
- Management review and internal performance review
- Establishment and adjustment of 다 파벳 카지노 proposals
- Establishment of reasonable and organized management system
- Development and management of the integrated information system for marine 다 파벳 카지노amp;D projects
- Strengthen transparency in personnel, budget execution, and financial managements
Pomotion of the commercialization of MT research outcomes and the advancement of organization management
Marine 다 파벳 카지노amp;D Management Division
User-centered efficient 다 파벳 카지노amp;D project management
- Delegate and announce projects
- Select projects, manage processes, and conduct interim and final evaluations
- Make necessary modifications in contracts or cancel contracts
- Establish, operate, and approve committees in each technological area
- Manage human resources pool categorized by specialty
- Administer and disburse 다 파벳 카지노amp;D funds
Strengthen the discovery planning of leading, future-oriented marine technology
Marine policy planning division
MT planning capablity that can satisfy government's marine 다 파벳 카지노amp;D policy demand
- Establishment of year-by-year implementation plan for 다 파벳 카지노amp;D program
- Support the compilation of 다 파벳 카지노amp;D budget and manage operating budget
- Support the establishment of political directions for marine science and technology 다 파벳 카지노amp;D
- Survey of technological demand and discovery of technological items
- Construction and operation of performance management system of marine technology in practical use
- Promote technological transference and commercialization of technology in relation to research outcomes
- Survey/analysis/evaluation of state 다 파벳 카지노amp;D projects
- Promote the establishment of marine industry support service and corporate exchange and cooperation